Releasing the anger




Grief brings so much anger. Anger with myself, the world, the doctors, cancer. Angry that while my world was disrupted, the rest of the world in general moves on. Also in some moments of great despair, I wanted to find something about David that would anger me with hopes that it would provide temporary relief but there was nothing.

I also realized that I was angry at some people. Mostly, people that I thought were close friends or family, that just simply disappeared from my life following David’s death. I actually did not fully realize I was angry at them until the beginning of this year when one of them called me and reluctantly I picked up the call and I was very unpleasant.

Until then, I thought I simply viewed their action/lack of as a poor reflection of their character and I knew I was fine with moving on with my life without them. I did not realize that I had also built up a toxic anger.

The realization of my anger was a defining moment. I had to release myself of this anger. The anger from grief is more than enough to bear. To do this, I needed to realized that most, if not all of this individuals did not even know that I felt hurt by their silence. I reminded myself of the fact that some people simply do not know how to approach someone that is bereaved.

Ironically and randomly, this year, I have had a chance to talk to these people. The conversation proved that they were not heartless people without a soul as my anger led me to think. They avoided me because they did not know what to say and not because they thought it would be hurtful. Understandably, my relationship with some of these people may never be the same but it reinforced why I should try to assume positive intent – at least for the sake of my sanity when possible.

Happy Day


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Today would have been our wedding anniversary. I reflect on our wedding day and I remember the feeling of bliss and content. It was truly one of happiest day of my life. I always thought it was so corny when people said that and there I was smiling, dancing, laughing, and wishing the evening was even longer.

Everything was perfect (although I remembered walking into the ballroom and noticed the floral arrangement was not as large as they were suppose to be, but it did not really matter). The day started off with rainy, however, the moment I got in the car to go to the church, the sun came out and it was a beautiful sunny day.

I fondly remember when it was time for our first dance, David and I looked at each other and we had both forgotten the dance we had practiced. He said, don’t worry, just follow my lead and with the biggest smile, he led me with his improv edition. It was a great day and I could not have anticipated that we would not be growing old together.

In remembrance of the day, I opted to do nothing special since I thought this would only make it more painful. However, I could not resist the urge to look at pictures from our wedding and I stop as soon as I started feeling sad.

I am grateful for the happiest David brought to my life.

Mother’s Day Flowers




They make me happy

David enjoyed buying flowers for me and our daughters. He would send them randomly for no reason and he would also get them for every special occasions – even occasions he made up.

I was so used to getting flowers that at some point I asked him to cut back particularly on deliveries to work. I told him that it was not worth the cost and he could just pick up flowers from the store. He teased me for having a genetic defect for saying no to flowers. In hind sight, I have to wonder what was wrong with me – I now miss getting those flowers.

Luckily, his daughters are well trained in shopping for flowers with David. A few days before Mother’s Day, my older daughter started getting sad as she was thinking about Mother’s Day and asked who would take her to buy my gift and flowers. I insisted that I did not need any gift and she said she still needed to get flowers for me. I offered to take her to the store and she said it would no longer be a surprise. So, I volunteered my Sister to take her shopping.

The day before Mother’s Day, we were in a store that had several roses and a few of them caught my attention so I asked them to pick the one they thought I would like for Mother’s Day. They were both happy with the chance to get me the flowers and I was equally happy with the selection.

I do not know much about flowers but I always appreciated its allure. It was probably one of the items I debated the most when I was getting married (in addition to getting chiavari chairs or not). Also, when I talk about my dream job, I often say I want to be a florist.

Below is a picture from a plant that blooms pink flowers at our house every year on Mother’s day weekend. I have come to appreciate it a lot. I brought it to the attention of my daughters’ last week assuring them that it would bloom in time for Mother’s day and it did. I consider the plant as a long lasting gift from David.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Will your husband be joining you?


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Will your husband be joining you? This is question or related questions were asked more often than I anticipated while we were on vacation.

In preparation for vacation, I knew it would be a normal question and it was one I was not ready to continue to answer. To avoid it, the day before leaving for vacation, I decided to take of my wedding and engagement ring and replaced it with my practice ring.

The practice ring is a ring David gave me about a year before we got engaged and I wore it on the wedding finger. We called it the practice ring because I once told David that having an engagement ring would be a big adjustment since I am not used to wearing a ring on that finger. To address this he got me the practice ring. It is a ring that is very dear to me since it was indicative of our first step to getting married.

I thought the absence of wedding ring and engagement ring would help preempt the assumption that I was traveling with my husband.  If it did, it was to a small extent. In hindsight, I remembered the first time I wore my practice ring to work and a co-worker asked with excitement if I was engaged.

My older daughter’s response to the question was what I found most amusing and impressive. When someone asked her “where is your Dad”? Casually, she said, “we left him at home”. I asked her why she said that and she said she did not like sharing her private information with people she doesn’t know.

In the midst of our sadness we try to find happiness and comparing the pictures from this vacation to pictures last year, I believe I have a more sincere smile.